They have just tightened the slots so much it’s not fun. It’s worth another 20 minutes of drive to have fun again. We are planning our future gambling trips to the new Megastar and Winstar. You can’t even win enough to play a while. I have noticed big banks of machines shut down and more and more machines have huge max bets. 2 free spins - that’s ridiculous! Many times the bonuses pay nothing and many of the machines are bonus driven. I’m playing all lines and betting several credits per line. Last week I hit a free spin bonus and it gave me 2 spins and $0. The last four trips both I and friends have hit our limit in an hour and have to face another 2 hour drive home smarting from the continual losses. Sometimes I came home with money, sometimes I didn’t but I could usually play for many hours. I have moved to a new home two hours away but still try to go with my friends twice a month. They quit offering the rooms and opted for a few dollars of free play and $5 of food twice a month. I didn’t mind dropping a few hundred dollars when I could play for a long time and stay in a nice room. We used to get free room offers and took advantage of weekday stays at least twice a month. It was only about an hour drive from my former home and a fun place to go for a few hours.